Submitted by Anonymous on Mon, 09/24/2012 - 1:00am.
The only way to purge corruption is to organize a voting block who are willing to cross party lines (in both directions) if they believe there is corruption, to vote out the person responsible and NEVER vote for them again. Both parties are up to their necks in corruption, and switching parties will only reduce corruption for so long as it takes for a new set of corrupt business arrangements to be brokered.
Corruption pays. Unless we create a mechanism that permanently destroys the political career of corrupt politicians (and we will have to turf through a few before the message is sent), it will continue to be massive profit with minimal risk.
Corruption will end when WE choose to make it utter political (and possibly social) suicide, trumping left/right politics.
The only way...
The only way to purge corruption is to organize a voting block who are willing to cross party lines (in both directions) if they believe there is corruption, to vote out the person responsible and NEVER vote for them again. Both parties are up to their necks in corruption, and switching parties will only reduce corruption for so long as it takes for a new set of corrupt business arrangements to be brokered.
Corruption pays. Unless we create a mechanism that permanently destroys the political career of corrupt politicians (and we will have to turf through a few before the message is sent), it will continue to be massive profit with minimal risk.
Corruption will end when WE choose to make it utter political (and possibly social) suicide, trumping left/right politics.